SpaceCHI 3.0 Tentative Program

Day 1: June 22, 2023 – MIT Media Lab | E14-240 (Second Floor)
9:00 | Welcome & Opening |
9:15 | Keynote 1: Professor Dava Newman, Director of the MIT Media Lab and a former Deputy Administrator of NASA |
10:15 | Session 1: Mission Support Tools |
11:15 | Short Break |
11:30 | Session 2: Human-Environment Interactions |
12:00 | Lunch Break |
1:30 | Keynote 3: Dr. Ariel Ekblaw, Founder & CEO of Aurelia Institute & Director of MIT Space Exploration Initiative |
2:30 | Workshop/ Collective Paper Planning Session |
4:00 | Day 1 wrap up |
5:15 | MIT Media Lab tour |
6:00 |
Reception/Dinner (15 min walk from MIT Media Lab) https://www.ameliastrattoria.com/ |
Day 2: June 23, 2023 – MIT Media Lab | E14-244 (Second Floor)
9:00 | Welcome & Opening |
9:15 | Keynote 4: Dr. Scott Davidoff, Research Manager at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
10:15 | Session 3: Humanizing Space |
11:15 | Short Break |
11:30 | Session 4: Augmented Astronauts |
12:30 | Lunch Break |
1:30 | Keynote 5: Melodie Yashar, Space Architect, Researcher, Technologist & VP of Building Design and Performance at ICON |
2:30 | Workshop/ Collective Paper Planning Session |
4:00 | Day 2 wrap up |
Session 1: Mission Support Tools
Facilitating Crew-Computer Collaboration During Mixed-Initiative Space Mission Planning
Jimin Zheng (SJSURF)*; Shivang Shelat (SJSURF); Jessica Marquez (NASA)
How to Keep Your Space Vehicle Alive: Maintainability Design Principles for Deep-Space Missions
Kaitlin McTigue (NASA Ames Research Center)*; Megan Parisi (San José State University); Tina Panontin (San José State University); Shu-Chieh Wu (San José State University); Alonso Vera (NASA Ames Research Center)
Compositional Human-Agent Teams for Spaceflight
Kazuhiko Momose (Florida Institute of Technology)*; Rahul Mehta (Florida Institute of Technology); Josias Moukpe (Florida Institute of Technology); Troy Weekes (Florida Institute of Technology); Thomas Eskridge (Florida Institute of Technology); Daniel Kidwell (US Department of Defense)
Leveraging Emotion Tracking for Enhanced Group Dynamics
Yasin Erdal (Lufthansa Systems)*
Leveraging Docker Containers for Azure Kinect Integration in Space Robotics: An Overview of the Azure Kinect a La Luna (AKALL) Framework
Don D Haddad (MIT Media Lab)*
Session 2: Human-Environment Interactions
Mobile Plant Health Visualizer Based on SI-NDVI Imaging and Augmented Reality Visualization for Space Greenhouses
Conrad Zeidler (DLR)*; Lennart Kuhr (Institute of Machine Tools and Production Technology, Technical University of Braunschweig); Jordan B Callaham (University of Florida, Department of Horticultural Sciences); Johannes Schöning (Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) at the University of St. Gallen)
EarthBot: A Virtual AI-powered Chat Assistant for Enhancing Virtual Reality Experiences for Climate and Beyond
Phillip I Cherner (MIT Media Lab)*; Dava Newman (MIT)
Modular Outfitting Systems for Lunar Habitation
Marina Konstantatou (Foster + Partners)*
Operational Geology In a Virtual Environment (OGIVE): Novel Approaches to Virtualizing Geological Expeditions for Planetary Exploration
Cody A Paige (MIT)*; Don D Haddad (MIT Media Lab); Ferrous Ward (MIT); Trent Piercy (MIT); Jessica Todd (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); Joseph Paradiso (MIT Media Lab); Dava Newman (MIT)
Session 3: Humanizing Space
Designing Beyond Current Conceptualizations of Spaceflight Experiences
James C Cole (The University of Texas at Dallas)*; Kathryn Hays (UNT); Ruth West (University of North Texas)
Space-Grounded: Developing an Antidepressant Inhalation Device Using Natural Materials to Enhance Crew Well-being
Chang Hee Lee (KAIST)*; Tibor Balint (Royal College of Art); Bo Ram Chin (Royal College of Art); Manoj Kumar (Imperial College London); Yoonji Lee (KAIST); Haena Cho (KAIST); Yuqian Sun (Royal College of Art, Computer Science Research Centre); Bjorn Sommer (Royal College of Art); Fernando Galdon (Royal College of Art); Ali Asadipour (Royal College of Art, Computer Science Research Centre)
Spatial Presence: Towards Creating Real and Virtual Spaces Interaction for Space Exploration
Sylvia T Tzvetanova Yung (Kingston University)*
Out of this World Design: Bridging the Gap between Space Systems Engineering and Participatory Design Practices
Tommy Nilsson (European Space Agency (ESA))*; Leonie Bensch (German Aerospace Center (DLR) ); Florian Dufresne (Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology); Flavie Rometsch (European Space Agency (ESA)); Paul de Medeiros (European Space Agency); Enrico Guerra (Fachhochschule Dortmund); Florian Saling (European Space Agency (ESA)); Andrea Casini (German Aerospace Center (DLR)); Aidan Cowley (European Space Agency (ESA))
Session 4: Augmented Astronauts
MetaFit – Towards Soft, Safe and Effective Body Interfacing for Health in Space
Emanuele Pulvirenti (University of Bristol)*; Richard Diteesawat (University of Bristol); Mohammad Zadeh (University of Bristol); Marina Konstantatou (Foster + Partners); Jonathan Rossiter (University of Bristol)
Smart Knitted Spacesuit: The implementations of E-textile on future Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU)
Ruo-Xuan Wu (The University of Sydney)
Gamification in AR/VR/MR of Astronauts Training through a Space Meal App
Valentina Sumini (COESIA)*; Marco Ghini (COESIA); Stefano Sinigardi (COESIA); Luca Cerati (COESIA)
Towards Balanced Astronaut-Oriented Design for Future EVA Space Technologies
Leonie Bensch (German Aerospace Center (DLR) )*; Tommy Nilsson (European Space Agency (ESA)); Paul de Medeiros (European Space Agency); Florian Dufresne (Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology); Andreas Gerndt (German Aerospace Center (DLR)); Flavie Rometsch (European Space Agency (ESA)); Georgia Albuquerque (german aerospace center (DLR), Braunschweig); Frank Flemisch (IAW Aachen / Fraunhofer FKIE); Oliver Bensch (German Aerospace Center (DLR)); Michael preutenborbeck (RWTH IAW Aachen ); Aidan Cowley (European Space Agency (ESA))